Thursday, August 27, 2009

On the BLOG again

Okay, so I've taken a two year break....we've been a little busy around here. So why am I back to blogging? Well, let me break it down for ya...
1. Mushy memory=details forgotten
Well, first and life is on such fast-forward, that my memory (along with the brown bananas on our counter) has turned to mush. Since I was a child, I have always prided myself on my good memory. I still consider it a good memory, however I have a million other thoughts jammed in there, that make me forget things. I still have a photographic memory, but little details such as who lost a tooth when, and how many times Jacob has had strep, have eluded me. I often tell Matt that if my head was opened up, my brain would look like a million strands of spaghetti all tangled up. Each strand representing several thoughts, emotions, items on several to-do lists. So anyway, I am someone that likes to chronicle all the details of my children's lives and up to this point other than some scattered journals here and there and some scrapbook pages, I have not done the best job. And that bugs me! Thus, the blog! I am hoping that blogging will help our family remember all the little details in our lives that one day would have been long forgotten.
2. Keeping up with family and friends
I am an introvert. I LOVE people and all of the special relationships in my life, but I also need time to myself to process, pray, reflect, recharge. If I don't pick up the phone or email you right away or answer you on facebook(which I have not been on in months), it is NOTHING against you. When I do get that rare time to myself, I use it to read, do Bible study, surf the web, scrap, pray, or just stare at the wall and listen to music. This helps me get re-energized to be the best wife, mommy, and housekeeper that I can be. Once the blog is all souped up and cutesified with photos, you can see the kiddoes and what's going on in our lives. I love to read blogs so if you have one, please let me know.
3. Blogging for bliss
I love to write...I find it therapeutic and enjoyable. I can type fast, much faster than I can talk.

This is it for now. I know the blog is looking boring and ugly and I am working on that but I thought it was more important to just start writing. I can't wait to personalize it with some scrappy goodness, but it will have to do for now. Next will be my first week of school post.

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