Monday, May 7, 2007

Bride Sydney

Right before Mount Vesuvius erupted

Getting her nails painted

Putting on her jewels


Princess Cake

Alexa as Cinderella

Update house picture

Alexa is 3!!!!!

Hi to everybody! Alexa's 3rd birthday is today. Where did the time go? We had her party yesterday with a big castle moonwalk. She was in all her princess glory, but I think very overwhelmed with all the presents. Today was a fun girls day out. We went and had our fingernails and toenails done. Watching the look on her face as they were being painted was priceless...and she was soooo good. I didn't know how she would behave....but other than screaming "OWWW!!" about 4 or 5 times when the girl was clipping her nails, it was all good! That's why I don't even attempt to cut her nails!!! Part of me loves seeing her little nails painted....makes me think of all the fun, girly things we have ahead of us. But the other part of me just wanted to hang on to her babyhood. ( When the clock turned 1:49 we were on our way home from chik-fil-a and she had just fallen asleep after a loud tantrum at the restaurant. I'm sure it was quite a good show watching her scream and kick in the little bride dress she was wearing. I couldn't even look up....I was just focusing on getting out of there....but I could feel the eyes on us (or actually HER---she was quite a spectacle!) But I just looked at her at 1:49 sleeping so peacefully and realized she is not a baby anymore ) The pink sparkly nails look so foreign on her chubby, little hands. Just one more milestone ...So now my baby is 3 and I am realizing that I am so ready for another baby! God is definitely teaching me patience and that I am not in control. Our hopes of a Christmas time baby didn't work out, but I know He has something wonderful planned for us.
Jacob got up this morning and got ready very quickly for school. Like lightning. Usually he is Mr. Pokey in the morning but he saw a present awating him for his half birthday. When he opened it and found Happy Feet, he was very polite, but didn't seem too thrilled. We had to explain to him that most people don't get half-birthday presents. (really the only reason we remember his is Alexa's BD is Jacob's half BD and vice versa)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Graduate

On your mark, get set, FRAME!

Nurse Murphy to the rescue

Jacob got splinters between his toes just as we were leaving for dinner. I brought my tweezers and the peroxide so Gram could try to get them

Daddy's Girl

Alexa in her Ariel attire

Easter with Jacob, Alexa, Blake, and Sydney

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog. I got this idea from my sweet sister-in-law Andrea. It is a good way to stay in touch with all of our out-of-town family and friends. Just an update on what's going on with us.... We are building a new house in a new neighborhood called Bridgeland. Jacob is 6 and is finishing up his kindergarten year. He will be going to a new school next year. He is reading and soooo into Legos right now. The minute he gets home from school, he runs to his Lego "rich house", a house he has created that has anything you can imagine...including a Soarin' ride. Alexa eats, sleeps, and breathes Disney princesses. We are absolutely surrounded by princess stuff: costumes, shoes, books, movies, dolls, coloring books. And I am lovin' every minute of it. (except having to take off and put on the tiny little rubber clothes that go on the dolls 1oo times a day) This is the stuff I thought of when I was pregnant with our sweet baby girl! Baby #3 has been in our hearts for the past year now and we are workin' on it. We found a new church about a year ago and are both growing in our walks with God. We have made some good friends there and are attending a weekly bible study. We feel right at home there.
We also put our house on the market at the beginning of April. What chaos that was trying to get rid of 8 years of clutter. We put about 30 plastic bins plus furniture in storage to make our house ready to show. We finally had a showing last Saturday, the 14th, and got called the next day with an offer to buy, at our asking price nonetheless! We are still in shock. Now it's time to think about packing and apartment hunting. Moving Day will be very emotional for me as we brought our two babies home from the hospital here. There are thousands of memories that were made here. When I walk through the rooms, I can tell you exactly where Jacob and Alexa were when they took their first steps, I think of the dining room where Jacob poured maple syrup over his toys, I think of the birthdays and holidays we have celebrated here....It's so bittersweet....But it's on to a new chapter in our lives. We are excited about our new neighborhood and have been praying for good neighbors. We are also looking forward to the school site where the elementary, middle, and high schools will all be.
There is nothing more important than family, so that is probably what I will write about most:
Matt's parents, Jim and Marilyn (or P-pa and Ama as the kiddoes call them) just left for London. They have been busy finalizing plans for their dream home that is being built. They will be moving to an apartment in June, as will we. Scott, my brother-in-law, graduated in December with a teaching degree and has been subbing this semester. He hopes to get a teaching job for the fall. He will be moving to his apartment in June, as well. Grandma Phyll, Matt's grandma, was down in February. It was good for Jacob and Alexa to see their great-grandma.
Jacob and Alexa also got to spend time with their other great-grandma, GJ, (she got their biscuits) who was down for Christmas. She had lots of fun playing Blokus with all of us.
Mom and Dad are busy getting stuff done around the house. Mom is now working three days a week. She is enjoying her 4-day weekends. Kirk is still working at the same company and is such a good uncle with all the kiddoes. He gets down on the floor with them and lets the girls beat him up! Shannon is enjoying doing the stay-at-home mom thing. And Tim is busy coaching baseball on the weekends. Blake is a toothless wonder. He has lost 8 teeth pretty quickly. He loves, loves, LOVES music and singing and hanging out with his friends after school. Little Miss Sydney just turned three and is getting more beautiful every day. She was dressed like a little diva for her party. David and Andrea have been in Rhode Island for a few weeks now while David is playing for the PawSox. Andrea's cute little belly is growing every day. And they recently found out they are expecting a girl. Baby Girl Murphy is due in August and all the kiddoes are excited to have another cousin.
I apologize ahead of time for my wordy posts. For those of you that don't like to read, just enjoy the pictures. For those of you that don't mind reading my novels, enjoy! I am a wordy person and hate to skip details. This blog is not only for yall, but also a journal that I will save for the kids to read when they are older. I am a quick typer (I actually lettered in typing in high school but already got the letter jacket for drill team so I didn't need it...can you imagine lettering in typing?....having a picture of a typewriter on your cool) so this is much quicker than a pen and paper journal.